Taking advantage of the rare opportunity to have exclusive use of a vehicle and being very hungry and without food in the kitchen, I decided to go through the drive thru at my local Taco Time, a Northwest chain serving Mexicanish food.
I was unfamiliar with the menu and unfortunately didn't get much of a chance to study it since a cabbie pulled up right behind me, but the soft tacos caught my eye, chiefly because they 1) cost $3.99 and up and 2) resembled a burrito in the picture on the menu.
Now, having grown up in Southern California and having dined at my share of authentic and inauthentic Mexican restaurants, I have a pretty good sense of what a soft taco is and should look like.
Needless to say, my Taco Time soft taco was actually a burrito.
They claim on their online
menu that this is because they're just so fully loaded that they needed to be rolled, but evidently they don't appreciate that this is a cardinal difference distinguishing a soft taco from a burrito, since the stuff inside is largely the same and usually taste the same. And, if you look at the pictures, you'll notice an uncanny verisimilitude between the regular soft taco and the "Big Juan" burrito. Thus proving my point that the soft taco is in fact a burrito.
While this might be a bit of a trifle, and certainly I have better things to do, I just find it amusing that a place with "taco" in its name can't figure out what the hell a taco is.
On the bright side, I return to the O.C. tomorrow night and will thereafter be able to get my In-N-Out fix.