Music and fashion
Recently I found myself in the Las Vegas Hilton, formerly home to Elvis and Liberace, and the current home to Star Trek: The Experience and Barry Manilow's Vegas extravaganza, "Music and Passion."
Shockingly, I didn't take in either of the nightly performances by the Greatest Showman of Our Generation. (Barry's taking leave from his show to have his hips replaced, you know.) But, we did walk past the official Music and Passion gift shop, which featured, among other items, babydoll tees emblazoned with "Barry Fanilow."
Shockingly, I didn't take in either of the nightly performances by the Greatest Showman of Our Generation. (Barry's taking leave from his show to have his hips replaced, you know.) But, we did walk past the official Music and Passion gift shop, which featured, among other items, babydoll tees emblazoned with "Barry Fanilow."