Little Yurt on the Steppe

On the road to Cyberia I took a wrong turn and ended up on the Great Eastern Plains. Fortunately, a group of Khalkha nomads took me in and taught me the secrets of life on the steppe. Now, I sit in my yurt, eating mutton dumplings and drinking a weak milk tea as I recount my tales of this Mongolian life.

sobota, prosince 20


You may notice that this page is exceedingly long.

That's good, though.

It means I finally got through piping all my old blog entries into this new blog. 'Twas rather a tedious process, being that I didn't know of any easier or quicker way to do it than this roundabout method: 1) create a new post here, 2) open the saved Web pages of yore, 3) manually copy the title and date and time, 4) view the source of the old page and copy the relevant section of text, thus ensuring that all my text formatting, links, etc. get preserved, 5) paste the text and then scour through it, removing any paragraph and line breaks so they didn't get doubled when Blogger went and did it only formatting on the raw text.

But it's done.

And as for the endless length of this page, that should only persist for another six days or so. I changed my settings so it would only show the current week on the front page, however, by current week Blogger seems to include anything actually added in this week, no matter what I set for the date and time. But I'm guessing if you're here that you've read all of the previous entries anyway, so there's no need for you to scroll down so far. :)

On the bright side, it has been rather fun playing around with and manipulating the raw html for my template. I'm quite pleased to report that this entire page has been edited solely by me (with assistance from Blogger). Granted, that's not nearly so impressive as building an entire page, let alone a whole site, from scratch, relying on raw coding and/or an editing program like Dreamweaver. But it's a decent accomplishment for me, all things considered. I'm getting closer to learning how to do the whole thing myself, which I think is easily attainable provided I get a little instruction from a book or knowledgeable person(s).

In the meantime, enjoy!



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