Little Yurt on the Steppe

On the road to Cyberia I took a wrong turn and ended up on the Great Eastern Plains. Fortunately, a group of Khalkha nomads took me in and taught me the secrets of life on the steppe. Now, I sit in my yurt, eating mutton dumplings and drinking a weak milk tea as I recount my tales of this Mongolian life.

středa, prosince 3


Ah, the wonders of a good night's sleep. Last week, while stuck among the cornfields of Indiana, my grandma drove Colleen and I to the Costco in Indianapolis (Indy to the locals), ostensibly so I could exchange the pair of fleece lounge pants I had bought in Lincoln Park but got home to discover that I had picked up a size small.

Anyway, returning the pants proved surprisingly painless. And I even found a pair in the right size. But beyond that, I really didn't need much. Yet it seemed a shame to have driven the 45 miles or so to Indy for such a minor deed. So Colleen and I decided to leisurely browse the store.

We -- I should say I -- got a package of cheese cubes to replenish Colleen's supply, which I had mostly decimated in a rash of intensive snacking. She bought some nice dried fruit snack packs. And we chanced upon a cheap air mattress. Queen size, in fact. And, best of all, a mere 15 samoleans. This is a far cry from all the air mattresses we had seen previously, which ranged from $35 to more than $100, often for just a twin-sized bed.

The air bed wasn't essential, but it made for a more comfortable sleeping surface than I had been using for overnight visits to Colleen's apartment, namely a crudely formed bed of cushions from her aging loveseat. This air mattress, I discovered, offers a lot more support, not to mention it's more than two feet wide, so I no longer have to sleep half on the floor. Of course, the queen size makes a bit of a challenge when it comes to fitting it in her room. Though if we just remove everything save her dresser and bed, it squeezes in.

But, I slept great last night. I think I was out seven hours before I even woke up, and I wound up getting nine or 10 hours of sleep total.

Only problem is, I'm not really tired. And I should be. Given that it's past 4 a.m. I blame the bed, since I slept way, way too late. Of course, the almost two quarts of chai tea I drank since dinner can't be helping much. So, I'm left to ponder ways to tire myself out or otherwise induce sleep. Like updating my blog. For the third time in about three hours. Which probably equals as many entries as I've posted in the past month and a half.

But hey, I'm getting back in the habit again, no?



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