Little Yurt on the Steppe

On the road to Cyberia I took a wrong turn and ended up on the Great Eastern Plains. Fortunately, a group of Khalkha nomads took me in and taught me the secrets of life on the steppe. Now, I sit in my yurt, eating mutton dumplings and drinking a weak milk tea as I recount my tales of this Mongolian life.

pondělí, ledna 26

Pedagogical pedantry

This is a brilliant piece on education and what it really should entail:

"Universities have no interest in education in its truest sense (the dictionary meaning that sums it up for me is "an experience that causes one to see things in a new way"). They are about sorting students into meaningless categories, labelling them for society to consume easily later.

The notion that university is primarily about getting a qualification that will generate cash to enable you to pay back your fees and loans and spiralling debts is deeply insulting - but entirely consistent with the crass, stupid, book-blind, culture-hating government of a crass, stupid, culture-less, increasingly fractured society."

As an aspiring university professor, I find this perspective refreshing and inspiring, and hope to inculcate it in my students, as I've already taken much of it to heart in my own studies.



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