Military-industrial complex?
From the introduction to Allan R. Millett and Peter Maslowski's For the Common Defense: A Military History of the United States of America, the textbook for the American military history I'm TAing for this quarter:
"When gauging America's strength against potential enemies, policy makers realized that the nation could devote its energies and financial resources to internal development rather than to maintaining a large and expensive peacetime military establishment." (xii)
I'd hate to see what the tab would be if we had a "large and expensive" military buildup, since ours is evidently more modest.
"When gauging America's strength against potential enemies, policy makers realized that the nation could devote its energies and financial resources to internal development rather than to maintaining a large and expensive peacetime military establishment." (xii)
I'd hate to see what the tab would be if we had a "large and expensive" military buildup, since ours is evidently more modest.
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