Little Yurt on the Steppe

On the road to Cyberia I took a wrong turn and ended up on the Great Eastern Plains. Fortunately, a group of Khalkha nomads took me in and taught me the secrets of life on the steppe. Now, I sit in my yurt, eating mutton dumplings and drinking a weak milk tea as I recount my tales of this Mongolian life.

pondělí, listopadu 15

And that's the story of how the Soviet army expelled the Turks in 1878

Seems Bulgarian kids don't know much about history.

What's ironic is that I was just thinking to myself yesterday that I don't know much at all about the history of Bulgaria, among other Eastern European nations. Which leads me to wonder which is worse, or perhaps more inexcusable: that young Bulgarians don't know their national history, or that I don't know much about it either, despite being an aspiring historian of Eastern Europe?



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