Little Yurt on the Steppe

On the road to Cyberia I took a wrong turn and ended up on the Great Eastern Plains. Fortunately, a group of Khalkha nomads took me in and taught me the secrets of life on the steppe. Now, I sit in my yurt, eating mutton dumplings and drinking a weak milk tea as I recount my tales of this Mongolian life.

středa, července 23


I'm thinking of becoming quasi-serious about writing something literary in nature, hopefully of actual literary merit as well.

Does anyone have any useful tips for how to go about this process? I'm not thinking Russian anecdote (a couple of hundred pages or so) in length, more like a novella or short play.

I have only vague ideas in my mind about the sorts of things I'd like to write about, chiefly something of a dissident nature. But I'm wondering if anyone can recommend ways of getting underway, aside from sketching out some rough ideas and trying to piece together a clearer picture. Any help will be welcome.



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