Little Yurt on the Steppe

On the road to Cyberia I took a wrong turn and ended up on the Great Eastern Plains. Fortunately, a group of Khalkha nomads took me in and taught me the secrets of life on the steppe. Now, I sit in my yurt, eating mutton dumplings and drinking a weak milk tea as I recount my tales of this Mongolian life.

pátek, června 25

I say the damnedest things

A couple of odd sentences I reportedly caught myself uttering this week:

"There appear to be dark clouds on the horizon."

-- Spoken the other night as Joe and I stared at weather forecasts and radar projections, trying to ascertain whether it would rain on his girlfriend when she biked over that evening. Noteworthy only because it was meant literally for a change.

"I think Schwarzenegger's smart enough not to."

-- One that should have been qualified to have instead said "Schwarzenegger's handlers," in reference to the Governator's unwillingness to ally himself closely with Dubya and risk alienating his constituency in California.



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